(330) Toei Kamishakujii Apartments 都営上石神井アパート (Nerima-ku)

The Toei Kamishakujii Apartments 都営上石神井アパート was built sometime after 1961/64 after the Shakujii-gawa 石神井川 had undergone a dramatic river straightening project, as seen here (1945/50, 1961/64, and 1974/78):

The nearest stations are Kamishakujii Station 上石神井駅 and Musashi-Seki Station 武蔵関駅 of the Seibu-Shinjuku Line. The Shakujii River cuts through the danchi, and the center of the complex is approximately here: Google Maps

Danchi maps:

Photos of the danchi, including a run-down storefront:

Billboard architecture immediately next to the danchi grounds:

As implied by the “Toei” in the title of this post, this danchi is administered by 「都営住宅」 “Metropolitan Housing”, aka Toei housing estates 都営住宅団地 Toei jūtaku danchi, which is public housing overseen by the Tokyo Metropolitan government.

For a list of various danchi-related terms, see: danchi glossary.


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