(207) Toei Nerima Fujimidai 3-chome Apartment 都営練馬富士見台三丁目アパート

Toei Nerima Fujimidai 3-chome Apartment 都営練馬富士見台三丁目アパート (map) is situated on a site that was 100% farmland in 1945/50; it was developed into small homes by 1961/64, then into the current danchi by 1974/78.

The danchi today:

Danchi map:

Toei Nerima Fujimidai 3-chome Apartment map

As implied by the “Toei” in the title of this post, this danchi is administered by 「都営住宅」 “Metropolitan Housing”, aka Toei housing estates 都営住宅団地 Toei jūtaku danchi, which is public housing overseen by the Tokyo Metropolitan government.

For a list of various danchi-related terms, see: danchi glossary.

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